- Cost of film is reduced
- you can choose what pictures you want to keep or take another if it isn't good
- you can view pictures straight after they have been taken
- are able to take numerous amounts of pictures on one camera without having to develop films
- photos can be stored digitally, therefore photos wont deteriorate
- can buy a camera to suit you
- pictures can be displayed for free
- inappropriate use of cameras
- heavily relies on user having a computer to store photos, this is an extra cost to the user
- quality of photo is deceased
- have take away the use of photo albums that have sentimental meaning
- they are less durable and more susceptible to damage
- skill of photography has decreased
Ways the digital images can be stored transferred and manipulated using other communications technology. Photos can be stored in numerous places such as on computers, on i-pods, in memory sticks, in the camera and in hard copy, this could cause photo to be transferred onto the internet with ease as it can be stored in so many different ways, such as being put onto Facebook. With or without permission from others. They are also able to be transferred onto electronic devices or hard copies through scanning, emails, faxes, photo coping and many other ways Photo's can be manipulated very easily when they have been put onto a computer system such as using photo shop to change anything about the picture take things out or add them in.
What ethical issues may arise with use of digital cameras: Informed consent for clients if you take pictures of them or are planning to use them for any purpose. Photo shopping images can create the impression that things that aren't real exist or paint people in compromising positions that never happened.
Ways that digital images are used in Occupational therapy practice: Photo's are used when you go on home visits when you are a community occupational therapist or in a acute or rehab occupational therapist. It is also used when taking part in group activities.
Services offered by flickr: Flickr is a website that provides a way to manage photos and allows people to share their photos, anywhere in the world that has access to internet. Retrieved on the 15 May 2009 from it offers
Other storage website which offers a service similar to Bebo, Facebook, twitter, you tube and myspace
The difference between digital and optical zoom: Optical zoom works like a zoom lens on a film camera. The zoom changes focal length and magnification as it is zoomed. Image quality stays high. Digital zoom simply crops the image to a smaller size, then enlarges the cropped portion to fill the frame again. This results in significant loss of quality.
Explain what is meant be the term megapixel: a megapixel is 1 million pixels which are made up of small squares. The more pixels there are the higher quality the picture is
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